Thursday, May 18


Phew!! Finally the exams are over and I can get back to normal life……lots of sleep, films, ice creams……… The exams were a nightmare (ok just short of a nightmare) right from my preparations to the examination center all screwed up.

I generally never get tensed during exams. Infact I think I have a psychological problem. The sight of all those tense faces and voices actually makes me even more confident and puts a weird smile on my face. But this time I was tensed, probably because it was my last year of the Masters. Though it was good in a way, I concentrated more during the twinywini bit of preparation time I had. On the first day I had two papers back to back. Total six hours of writing to do. And with one of the papers being "more of current affairs and general knowledge" I was having a gala time, with only concern for my fingers. Of course I had read up stuff and studied, but my mom thought it was far below my usual standards. End result the papers went well, though my fingers were badly aching.

The most interesting part of the exam was the examination centre. Situated in a dicey kind of a locality, it took some real time to firstly search it out. The entire college consisted of some 15 rooms and the people appearing for exams were seated only in two. Infact for the 'first day first show' there were only 24 people! There was some big time construction work in progress and you had to go through a lot of cement, iron rods, bamboos, mud and what not. If you were unfortunate a decent amount of mud on your head was just fortunate. Then there was a continuous flow of water outside the window with a generous sprinkling of the same on the desk. For my last paper I had to sit at a window and boy it was torturous. The water sprinkling and the dust in no way added to my concentration levels. And at the end of three hours there was a thick layer of mud on my ruler! To make matters worse that was the chosen day for some high level banging (no pun intended). There was this continuous thud thud at very high decibels right above our head and every now and then I wondered if they were trying to knock down the roof. The fans which worked only for an hour were physically shaking, though not in a circular motion. The guy sitting right below one of them kept looking up every now and then with fear of a fan-crash writ large on his face. However the supervisors were very cool about it and leaving the class to their musing they took the opportunity to have men-to-men chats right there in the passage. Anytime one needed a supplement, one had to go out, call the person in and then feel guilty for having broken in on most important discussion of the century!

Wonder why the University chooses such examination centers were certain basics like silence, supervisor presence in classroom and legible seat numbers of desks are luxury!


Shruthi said...

Poor you!! But I cannot stop laughing, imagining you coping with the dust and the water and the banging :D
Sometime when I was in the 7th standard, our school was expanding, and they were constructing floors above ours, and I have written exams in exactly these conditions :D [If you can call 7th std exams, exams :)] I remembered those good old balmy summer days ;)
Oh, and enjoy the exams-got-over feeling! :)

Nirwa Mehta said...

I can understand your position.. Believe me, I can! :P

//Of course I had read up stuff and studied, but my mom thought it was far below my usual standards

Whoa!!! WHOAA!!! what is your usual standard!?!??!?!? My Dad never believes I study - How I clear my exams is always a big mystery for him..

And welcome to the post-exam fun days!!! :D

Though I'll get my University results in a day or two and I'll go hunting for my post graduation course.. Sigh - life is an Exam! :D

Nice post! :D


Manasi said...

Shruthi: Thanks! And I am really enjoying myself right now, films and all planned up for the weekend :)
And yes 7th std exams are exams from the point of view of the student. And such a situation at that age is even worse for your concentration levels are really suspicious!

Nirwa: It feels nice to be a part of the post-exam fun days :) my usual standards are pretty high, considering that I have been a UT. (blush blush blush!!!)

BEst of luck for your results! What post grad do u plan now?

Nirwa Mehta said...

UT as in University Topper??!! Congratulations, girl! :D

I plan for LLB.. No intention of doing I want to go to court and say.. "mee laarrrd.. mere kaabil dost yeh...something something..." hehehehe


GuNs said...

Hey...does this happen only in Pune? I never faced this but my friends from DY PATTIL engg. once had to give their exams in the new building. Whats peculiar about that building?? It didnt have any walls at that time !!. Oh, forgetting not to mention (lol for the grammar), it was raining badly. Remember last year??

Glad to come across a Puneri blogger for the first time in my foray amongst the blog community. Do check out my blog and dont forget to leave comments if you like any of my posts.


GuNs said...

"UT" is another typically Puneri term, as is "BASICALLY" [:-P]. Also terms like "katta" "bhatki" etc. etc. etc.

Waaat tu dooo? We are laayk thees wonly !!


Manasi said...

Nirwa: That's right!
So how many filams do you plan to watch to top you LLB?

Manasi said...

guns" God!!!! That must be horrible!! I guess it happens everywhere though.
"Bascially i am from pune na so na I use the word UT!" ;)
Thanks for dropping by!